Post-Covid: Can I teach in Cambodia?

It’s no secret that there is an abundance of jobs for teaching in Cambodia, especially teaching English in Cambodia. But not many people know there are not only opportunities teaching English, but many other teaching jobs in Cambodia, including classic subjects like maths and science and other newer subjects, such as Global Perspectives. 

Cambodia offers some of the most amazing places to teach in the world

You’ll be happy to know that 2022/23 is no different. In fact, because of the mass exodus of expat teachers during the pandemic, there is a real shortage here in the Kingdom of Cambodia! Therefore, we dive into the reason why you should consider teaching in Cambodia in 2022/23.

What can I teach in Cambodia?

Before COVID, lots of expats came and enjoyed teaching in Cambodia. Every year, lots of international teachers and talent come to Cambodia to teach English and other subjects. This ranges from degree-educated postgraduates and professionals with certification related to teaching and with experience to volunteers and backpackers who come over to teach in voluntary positions or in lower entry schools that don’t require as many qualifications. However, here at Nextstep, we recommend that you should have at least a TEFL qualification to consider teaching as well as confidence in your expertise to teach either a language, a particular subject or both. 

Thats why in this article we answer questions like how can I get a job teaching in Cambodia? Where can I find jobs teaching English in Cambodia and what are the best teaching jobs in Cambodia in 2022?

Is it easy to teach in Cambodia?

In Cambodia, the barriers to entry are quite low. from getting a visa to the qualifications required by lower-level schools, securing an English-teaching job without a degree, never-mind whether it is in a relevant field, is not hard. For instance, native English speakers – such as from England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the United States, Canada, and so on – can find jobs teaching English in Cambodia fairly easily. 

While Nextstep supports and shortlists candidates who have a thrive and passion for placing English teachers in Cambodia because of the positive benefits it provides, we would also say that it’s best to have a good quality of education coupled with the energy and passion needed to be a good teacher, in order to consider taking on a position. Cambodia is a great place to live and work for those people who want to make a difference within the education system, and that is what the Khmer government and international schools are interested in placing within their education systems.

Although it is no secret that pay/salary can increase if you work in neighbouring countries of Asia in general, many are choosing Cambodia to live, work and teach English (among other subjects), because of the low cost of living and also the unique experience that teaching in Cambodia offers.

Students pay respect to a teacher in a classroom in Cambodia

Where are the best-paid teaching jobs in Cambodia?

Teachers will get the best-paid positions in high-level international schools in Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh. On average, this will work out at around $10 to $15 per hour or starting salaries at $1,200 plus. With the right qualifications and of course, degree education, this can start at $1500-$1800 with teachers having relevant prior experience and qualifications earning more than $2,000. This is for a standard teaching role and does not take into account higher-paid positions such as head of departments, deans, and principles  

At the moment, the rate for teachers given the aforementioned numbers would be less in other major towns and cities such as Siem Reap, and Poipet and less still in Sihanoukville. 

Can I live in Cambodia doing online teaching?

Remote teching positions for pupils in Cambodia can fluctuate further depending on the students you are teaching, their level, and so on. In fact, the barriers to entry are even lower when teaching English online, and many English natives and other English teachers revertered to this method of teaching during the pandemic when in-person teaching and layoffs due to Covid happened in Cambodia. 

What qualifications do I need to teach in Cambodia?

Having extensive experience in dealing with schools and education institutions in Cambodia, we would recommend that when teaching in Cambodia, having one or ideally more than one of the following below is essential:

An experience in teaching abroad with proof of such

A TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate

A CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) 

A University Degree

A University Degree in a teaching or related field

The list above goes down in order of importance and the more ticks you can give moving down the list will offer you better opportunities, not to mention a more rewarding experience for yourself and your students. Teaching in Cambodia is about sharing skills and knowledge so being able to bring those to teaching is very important.

The bottom line is that if are seeking to work in a great school and make a difference to the next generation in Cambodia, you’ll need real teaching experience and a degree. Also, bear in mind that the difference in impact (as well as pay) between the regular schools and the international schools will be significant.

If you want to get a job teaching English in Cambodia look no further than our job board or contact us so one of our international team can give you the best advice on moving to, living in and working in Cambodia.

Who pays for schools in Cambodia?

To understand the importance of the role and responsibility you will be undertaking as a teacher in Cambodia, you must understand that the Khmer people put aside a lot of their money to help their kids access education, with a large amount of that going to afford their children learning the English language. This is because learning English is a great way for Cambodian students to improve their future chances of employment across multiple sectors. 

Therefore, being a teacher in Cambodia will mean you are having an important an pivotal role in every child’s education. We support the influx of qualified English teachers into Cambodia to not only ensure its future development but to make sure the hard earned money Khmer people spend on education is fruitful and worthwhile.

How can I volunteer to teach in Cambodia? 

There are many places to volunteer to teach English, and many schools – especially if you are native English – will be more than happy to bring you in. As mentioned above, however, being passionate and skilled at teaching is really important so that the students and people you are here to share knowledge and provide benefit from your presence. If you are not a confident teacher, take training or approach courses which can help you upskill, before you try to upskill others. Don’t get us wrong though! If you want to learn more about teaching in Cambodia, we are always on hand to help you with your questions and queries to help you make the right decision.

What are the benefits of teaching abroad in Cambodia? 

Teaching in the Kingdom of Cambodia is an amazing experience. Taking away your time planning lessons and teaching in the classroom, this is a country with a rich and ancient history, vibrant culture, and diverse landscapes. Remember, Cambodia is a tropical and exotic destination full of new and amazing experiences for expats not familiar with the country, In fact, that’s what convinces many of the tourists who come to Cambodia to stay, live and work here.

On top of that, Cambodia is at the center of other very popular South East Asian destinations such as Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam with which it shares its borders. If you are looking for every kind of experience, from picturesque flat terrain and low mountains, to sandy beaches and lush forests cut through by the mighty Mekong river, Cambodia offers a breathtaking experience for those living and working in Cambodia during their weekends and holidays.

However, you are here to teach in Cambodia, remember!

Teaching in Cambodia offers great hours and good salaries compared to the cost of living. It is also a joy to teach young Khmer pupils who really respect teachers and hold the English language in high value, much like their parents. There are lots of positive points about teaching in Cambodia and we’d love to tell you more if you want to get in touch or check out our jobs section of the website to see the opportunities available for teachers in Cambodia both now and in the future.

That means you have ample time to not only enjoy your craft but also explore the Kingdom of Wonder. 

What levels of education can you teach in Cambodia? 

There are lots of different types of places to teach in Cambodia, whether teaching English in Cambodia or a different subject. These range from 

Language training centres, 

Preschools and kindergartens

High level International schools

Training centres in Cambodia (used by kids or adults in the evenings and weekends specifically for English language)

Please note, each of the above will probably have its own specialised curriculum, materials and teaching methods, as well as means planning and preparation so you will need to be adaptable.

What should I teach in Cambodia? 

Research, research and research! Make sure you take you time to work out what you want to teach and whether you are qualified to teach in Cambodia. There are so many different types of schools in Cambodia so using a service like us, Nextstep, will help you work out the best way forward when considering a role in teaching in Cambodia.

How can Nexstep help me get a teaching job in Cambodia?

If you need help, don’t worry, that’s what we are here for! Contact us today via the text box on the lower right part of this screen or hit the contact page or if you’re feeling all set, go-ahead and apply for a job! We can’t wait to help you take your next step in the Kingdom of Wonder!

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